Life Is More Than Enjoying a Good Reputation (J.Deml)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


i saw loads of movies lately.
loads of bad movies. and boring movies.
so, do not watch - hostage (bruce willis), hitch (will smith), upside of anger (kevin kostner), robots (tiny 'cute' little robots), million dollar baby (very predictable. additionally, there is something about hilary swank that i cannot stand. altough, she was quite good), a lot like love (ashton kutcher).
i got this feeling that most of these stories, i'd be able to tell from looking at the poster in front of the movie-theater. at least, they show them at the $2 cinema . but still. two dollars are two more old styles with my friends at duffy's on tuesdays.
on the other hand, there are some good movies i saw- 'sin city' is entertaining, 'crash' is really good, 'the sea inside' is "european", 'hotel rwanda' is not nice to watch but important to see

so it goes....

v posledni dobe jsem videla nejak hodne filmu.
spatnejch filmu. a nebo nudnejch filmu. proto nechodte na -hostage (bruce willis), upside of anger (kevin kostner), robots (milounky roboti), million dollar baby (moc moc predvidatelne), hitch (will smith), nebo lot like love (ashton kutcher).
nejak mam pocit, ze vetsinu z tech filmu bych ani nemusela videt a jenom podle fotky z plakatu, bych prevypravela celej pribeh. nuda.
na druhou stranu - 'sin city' bylo dobry. 'crash' byl extremne dobrej. 'the sea inside' mi smutne pripomnelo jak mi chybi evropa. 'hotel rwanda' byl hustej.

clive owen je fesak!
don cheadle je hvezda!

haj hou!


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